Typical OSB04

Typical OSB04

This typical is the epitome of high end office furniture. The OSB04 layout not only exhibits superior craftsmanship, but is also elegant and luxurious. The resourceful design of this typical makes efficient use of the storage space of the office, allowing a variety of tasks to be completed conveniently, thanks to the furniture incorporated in the layout. The most prominent furniture pieces in this typical's layout are the right and left corner extension credenzas. This typical also includes a reversible return for increased desk space. A deluxe full pedestal and a hanging hutch with silver framed glass doors are included in the OSB04 typical for extra room to store and organize your important files and documents. The appealing layout also features two transaction tops along with a three drawer lateral file. This typical is available in eight exciting finishes so you can choose the one that best complements your decor.